Behind the Startup in the BGA Book Club

Behind the Startup

Benjamin Shestakofsky

University of California Press

How venture capital shapes work, innovation and inequality

To promote innovation that benefits the many rather than the few, Behind the Startup argues that we must focus less on fixing the technology and more on changing the financial infrastructure that supports it.

The book draws on nineteen months of participant-observation research inside a successful Silicon Valley start-up to examine how the company was organised to meet the needs of the venture capital investors who funded it.

Its systematic analysis of everyday life inside a tech start-up dissects the logic of venture capital and its consequences for entrepreneurs, workers and societies.

AMBA & BGA members in the UK and Europe can enjoy a 30% discount on phone orders placed for a copy of Behind the Startup, courtesy of the Book Club. Please call John Wiley & Sons +44 (0) 1243 843291 and share promo code UCPSAVE30.

How start-ups build legitimacy in an uncertain environment – read an excerpt from Behind the Startup exclusively on Business Impact, the thought leadership publication of the Business Graduates Association (BGA).

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