Business Impact: Leading at a Distance

Leading at a Distance

James Citrin and Darleen DeRosa


What skills do you need to lead successfully in the new virtual workplace? Leading at a Distance offers a guide, backed by the research and expertise of global leadership firm Spencer Stuart.

As the shift towards large-scale virtual work continues to grow and become a permanent fixture, leaders must understand how to build virtual work environments that foster connected, engaged, and high-performing teams.

Although some forward-thinking companies have made significant investments in technology and virtual collaboration, many others have simply joined the ‘Zoom culture’ without fully appreciating what it takes to operate effectively at a distance on a sustained basis. This book aims to help leaders shape organisational culture remotely by demonstrating how to conduct virtual onboarding for senior leaders, build top teams from a distance, address ways to keep geographically dispersed team members aligned and accountable, and more.

James M Citrin leads Spencer Stuart’s North American CEO Practice. Darleen DeRosa is a Consultant in Spencer Stuart’s Stamford office.

BGA members are able to receive a 20% discount off the RRP for Leading at a Distance (print edition ISBN: 9781119782445) when purchased direct from Just enter the promo code BUS21 (or BUC21 for members in Canada) when prompted.

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