Winning with Data Science in the BGA Book Club

Winning with Data Science

Howard Steven Friedman and Akshay Swaminathan

Columbia Business School Publishing

A data science handbook for business leaders

Whether you are a newly minted MBA or a project manager at a Fortune 500 company, data science will play a major role in your career. Knowing how to communicate effectively with data scientists to obtain maximum value from their expertise is essential.

Winning with Data Science aims to offer a comprehensive guide to data science, emphasising its real-world business applications and focusing on how to collaborate productively with data science teams.

Taking an engaging narrative approach, it covers the fundamental concepts without getting bogged down in complex equations or programming languages. It also seeks to help readers identify critical questions to ask data analysts, statisticians, data scientists and other technical experts to avoid wasting time and money.

Howard Steven Friedman is an adjunct professor at Columbia University.
Akshay Swaminathan leads the data science team at Cerebral.

BGA members can benefit from a 20% discount on a copy of Winning with Data Science, courtesy of the BGA Book Club, when purchasing direct from Columbia University Press using the following code at checkout: CUP20

Using data to succeed: tools for machine learning – read an excerpt from Winning with Data Science exclusively on Business Impact

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